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Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Guidance – Update

The aim of the dress guidance is to establish clear expectations for students regarding appropriate attire in the Academy as their ‘workplace’. The policy seeks to:

  1. Maintain an appropriate image: Ensure that students represent the Sixth Form in a manner that aligns with our values, culture, and expectations.
  2. Promote safety and comfort: Ensure that attire is suitable for the work environment, particularly for subjects that require functional clothing and/or align with health and safety requirements.
  3. Foster inclusivity and respect: Create an environment where all students feel comfortable and respected, considering diverse cultural and personal preferences.

Dress Guidance:

  • Lanyards must worn and visible at all times – this is a safeguarding requirement and nonnegotiable
  • Outdoor layers (e.g. coats) should be removed in lessons
  • Denim may be worn, however ripped jeans are not permitted
  • Hoodies and sweatshirts may be worn, any logos or slogans should be small and avoid being extreme or offensive
  • Trainers may be worn
  • Heeled shoes/boots may be worn, with a maximum heel of 3 inches
  • All tops should cover the shoulders and chest
  • Shorts and skirts should cover at least 2/3 of the thigh when seated
  • Jewellery may be worn, as long as it is not deemed excessive. Items may be required to be removed for particular subjects (practicals)

Students are not permitted to wear the following:

  • Sunglasses and/or hats should not be worn inside the Academy buildings
  • Flip flops, crocs and any other opentoed shoes/sandals are not permitted
  • Any items that would be classed as beachwear (including crop tops)
  • Sports (e.g. football) shirts are not permitted
  • Artificial nails exceeding 5mm above the fingertip

For students aged 18 and over, tattoos are permitted as long as they do not contain any offensive language or symbols. Face and neck tattoos will not be permitted in any form.

These lists are not intended to be exhaustive. It is recognised that this dress guidance will not cover all issues that may arise. Students may seek to wear, for example, items which have not been covered by the guidance, but which are against the spirit of this dress guidance. In such a case, or given any dispute, the final decision is made by the Head of Sixth Form.

Sixth Form tutors will monitor the implementation of the dress guidance; if they consider students to be dressed inappropriately, they will be referred to the Head of Sixth Form who may send the student home to change. Students will be spoken to in the first instance, re-occurrence will result in students being sent home to change. Further re-occurrences will result in formal consequences and sanctions.