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The History curriculum is diverse, thought-provoking and academically rigorous. Students engage with current historical scholarship and develop their ability to analyse different interpretations and reach their own supported conclusions. It covers a broad range of time periods and strikes a balance between local, national and global history. The curriculum helps students to understand their place in the world, and how different groups’ experiences have shaped the modern world. Students will empathise with others; make links between different historical topics; understand the factors which have driven change over time, and be able to explain the various consequences of this change. History is rich in transferable skills and students develop knowledge alongside five key concepts that are revisited each academic year: chronology, causation, significance, source analysis and interpretations. These concepts are used as tools for students to make sense of, and understand the past and how it has been recorded.




Please note: Curriculum plans are constantly under review and are re-sequenced following key assessment points to ensure any gaps in knowledge and understanding are addressed. Should you have any questions or queries relating to your child's lessons, please email the relevant subject leader or