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Modern Foreign Languages

The MFL department at the Brunts Academy aim to make language learning a rewarding, confidence-building and enjoyable experience. Students will develop a wide range of transferable and lifelong learning skills including: collaboration, independence, resilience, tolerance, creativity, development of memory and fluency. Students will learn to look for and spot patterns in language, and learn how words are connected and can be put together successfully. They will develop a wide range of vocabulary and their knowledge of the target language will encourage them to be reflective about their own language, thus improving their literacy skills and vocabulary in their own language. Furthermore, learning a foreign language will enable students to develop a strong understanding of the world beyond their own viewpoint and everyday experience; they will learn that the world is diverse and rich in different cultures, history, customs and perspectives which may be different from their own.


Please note: Curriculum plans are constantly under review and are re-sequenced following key assessment points to ensure any gaps in knowledge and understanding are addressed. Should you have any questions or queries relating to your child's lessons, please email the relevant subject leader or